Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Commentary on HTML coding on

I know HTML coding, so I found the HTML coding assistance a little confusing; I was just typing the link to Walmartopia into the text of my post, and I had to hunt around to figure out which of the icons was necessary to link to something else on the web. (That might be because I'm known for making things more difficult than they have to be, but I don't think the icon for posting a link is terribly meaningful.)

I also don't understand why the post time isn't right; I click on "Post Options" and a post time and date are listed, but the time has always been wrong by about 3 hours.


hood_and_hat said...

I had the same exact two problems. The default seems to be Pacific time. If you go into Settings and then Formatting, the 5th things listed is Time Zone.

I prefer to do my own HTML so I go into the Edit HTML option.

Logan Ragsdale said...

I am having trouble with the link text HTML, that said I really don't know HTML, but used Blogger help to try it, it works if I just type the HTML code, but not if I type text above or below, does that makes sense. Anyway--any tips, I will keep trying.

Logan Ragsdale said...

By the way Hood and Hat, answered my question on her blog, thanks, and you are right, I was making it too hard also. :)